Sarah Kotb

Sarah Kotb

PhD Candidate in Health Policy (Economics Track)

Harvard University


Sarah Kotb is a doctoral candidate at Harvard University’s Health Policy program and its economics track. Sarah has research interests in health policy, health economics, and public economics and will be available for interviews for the 2024-2025 job market.


  • Health economics and health policy
  • Public economics


  • PhD in Health Policy (Economics Track), May 2025 (Expected)

    Harvard University

  • IvyPlus Exchange Student, 2022 - 2025

    Stanford University

  • BA, Economics major, Math minor, 2016

    Middlebury College


Diagnostic Ability and Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescriptions: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Primary Care Providers in Rural China

China has one of the highest rates of antibiotic resistance. Existing studies document high rates of antibiotic prescription by primary care providers but there is little direct evidence on clinically inappropriate use of antibiotics or the drivers of antibiotic prescription. To assess clinically inappropriate antibiotic prescriptions among rural primary care providers, we employed unannounced standardized patients (SPs) who presented three fixed disease cases, none of which indicated antibiotics. We compared antibiotic prescriptions of the same providers in interactions with SPs and matching vignettes assessing knowledge of diagnosis and treatment to assess overprescription attributable to deficits in diagnostic knowledge, therapeutic knowledge and factors that lead providers to deviate from their knowledge of best practice. Overall, antibiotics were inappropriately prescribed in 221/526 (42%) SP cases. Compared with SP interactions, prescription rates were 29% lower in matching clinical vignettes (42% versus 30%, P , 0.0001). Compared with vignettes assessing diagnostic and therapeutic knowledge jointly, rates were 67% lower in vignettes with the diagnosis revealed (30% versus 10%, P , 0.0001). Antibiotic prescription in vignettes was inversely related to measures of diagnostic process quality (completion of checklists). Clinically inappropriate antibiotic prescription is common among primary care providers in rural China. While a large proportion of overprescription may be due to factors such as financial incentives tied to drug sales and perceived patient demand, our findings suggest that deficits in diagnostic knowledge are a major driver of unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions. Interventions to improve diagnostic capacity among providers in rural China are needed.

Working Papers


Economics of Health Policy

Harvard School of Public Health: Summer 2020 and 2021

Econometrics II

Harvard Kennedy School: Spring 2022